Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

The correct use of the comparative and superlative forms is a key ingredient when students are learning how to express their opinion or make comparative judgments. The following lesson focuses on first building understanding of the structure - and of the similarity between the two forms.

We use the comparative and superlative form to compare and contrast different objects in English. Use the comparative form to show the difference between two objects. Example: New York is more exciting than Seattle. Use the superlative form when speaking about three or more objects to show which object is 'the most' of something. Example: New York is the most exciting city in the USA.


Forming Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

One-syllable adjectives.

Form the comparative and superlative forms of a one-syllable adjective by adding –er for the comparative form and –est for the superlative.
One-Syllable AdjectiveComparative FormSuperlative Form
  • Mary is taller than Max.
  • Mary is the tallest of all the students.
  • Max is older than John.
  • Of the three students, Max is the oldest.
  • My hair is longer than your hair.
  • Max's story is the longest story I've ever heard.
If the one-syllable adjective ends with an e, just add –r for the comparative form and –st for the superlative form.
One-Syllable Adjective with Final -eComparative FormSuperlative Form
  • Mary's car is larger than Max's car.
  • Mary's house is the tallest of all the houses on the block.
  • Max is wiser than his brother.
  • Max is the wisest person I know.
If the one-syllable adjective ends with a single consonant with a vowel before it, double the consonant and add –er for the comparative form; and double the consonant and add –est for the superlative form.
One-Syllable Adjective Ending with a Single Consonant with a Single Vowel before ItComparative FormSuperlative Form
  • My dog is bigger than your dog.
  • My dog is the biggest of all the dogs in the neighborhood.
  • Max is thinner than John.
  • Of all the students in the class, Max is the thinnest.
  • My mother is fatter than your mother.
  • Mary is the fattest person I've ever seen.

Two-syllable adjectives.

With most two-syllable adjectives, you form the comparative with more and the superlative with most.
Two-Syllable AdjectiveComparative FormSuperlative Form
peacefulmore peacefulmost peaceful
pleasantmore pleasantmost pleasant
carefulmore carefulmost careful
thoughtfulmore thoughtfulmost thoughtful
  • This morning is more peaceful than yesterday morning.
  • Max's house in the mountains is the most peaceful in the world.
  • Max is more careful than Mike.
  • Of all the taxi drivers, Jack is the most careful.
  • Jill is more thoughtful than your sister.
  • Mary is the most thoughtful person I've ever met.
If the two-syllable adjectives ends with –y, change the y to i and add –er for the comparative form. For the superlative form change the y to i and add –est.
Two-Syllable Adjective Ending with -yComparative FormSuperlative Form
  • John is happier today than he was yesterday.
  • John is the happiest boy in the world.
  • Max is angrier than Mary.
  • Of all of John's victims, Max is the angriest.
  • Mary is busier than Max.
  • Mary is the busiest person I've ever met.
Two-syllable adjectives ending in –er, -le, or –ow take –er and –est to form the comparative and superlative forms.
Two-Syllable Adjective Ending with -er, -le, or -owComparative FormSuperlative Form
  • The roads in this town are narrower than the roads in the city.
  • This road is the narrowest of all the roads in California.
  • Big dogs are gentler than small dogs.
  • Of all the dogs in the world, English Mastiffs are the gentlest.

Adjectives with three or more syllables.

For adjectives with three syllables or more, you form the comparative with more and the superlative with most.
Adjective with Three or More SyllablesComparative FormSuperlative Form
generousmore generousmost generous
importantmore importantmost important
intelligentmore intelligentmost intelligent
  • John is more generous than Jack.
  • John is the most generous of all the people I know.
  • Health is more important than money.
  • Of all the people I know, Max is the most important.
  • Women are more intelligent than men.
  • Mary is the most intelligent person I've ever met.


Irregular adjectives.
Irregular AdjectiveComparative FormSuperlative Form
  • Italian food is better than American food.
  • My dog is the best dog in the world.
  • My mother's cooking is worse than your mother's cooking.
  • Of all the students in the class, Max is the worst.
Two-syllable adjectives that follow two rules. These adjectives can be used with -er and -est and with more and most.
Two-Syllable AdjectiveComparative FormSuperlative Form
clevermore clevermost clever
gentlemore gentlemost gentle
friendlymore friendlymost friendly
quietmore quietmost quiet
simplemore simplemost simple
  • Big dogs are gentler than small dogs.
  • Of all the dogs in the world, English Mastiffs are the gentlest.
  • Big dogs are more gentle than small dogs.
  • Of all the dogs in the world, English Mastiffs are the most gentle.

Here are some charts showing some comparative and superlative forms of some adjectives.

The folowing videos explain more about comparative and superlative adjectives.

Here are some excercises you can develop for practicing comparative and superlative forms.


Exercise 1: Read the sentences below and then give the comparative form for each of the adjectives listed.
  • Tennis is a more difficult sport than Rugby.
  • I think John is happier now than a year ago.
  • Could you open the window, please? It's getting hotter in this room by the minute.
  • interesting ___________
  • weak ___________
  • funny ___________
  • important ___________
  • careful ___________
  • big ___________
  • small ___________
  • polluted ___________
  • boring ___________
  • angry ___________
Exercise 2: Read the sentences below and then give the superlative form for each of the adjectives listed.
  • New York has got to be the most exciting city in the world.
  • His biggest desire is to return home.
  • She is probably the angriest person I know.
  • interesting ___________
  • weak ___________
  • funny ___________
  • important ___________
  • careful ___________
  • big ___________
  • small ___________
  • polluted ___________
  • boring ___________
  • angry ___________
Exercise 3: Choose one of the topics below and think of three examples from that topic - for example: Sports - football, basketball and surfing. Compare the three objects.
  • Cities
  • Sports
  • Writers
  • Films
  • Inventions
  • Cars